Saturday, 29 March 2014

Mini Keto Meatzas

When I tried the meatza for the first time,  I was in love. love at first bite exists.
I hated the way my meat base would shrink, however.

I've experimented with different recipes but nothing I tried was quite right.  Until now.
This is a completely new twist to the meatza - to me at least - and super simple to make.
I came across some sliced garlic sausage in the supermarket and it hit me like lightning,  and the mini meatza was born.

Stuff you need:
Sliced 4" Garlic Sausage
Sliced 4" Sandwich Ham
Tomato Puré
Cream Cheese
Italian Herbs
Salt to taste

Method to the madness:
Layer garlic sausage and ham on top of each other,  and cover with a very thin amount of tomato puré. Be cautious as it has a lot of carbs per 100g. Sprinkle some Italian herbs onto the puré and maybe some salt.
Next spread on about 1 teaspoon of cream cheese.
Cover in Mozzarella and pepperoni.
Broil for about 10 mins or until cooked to your liking.

The meatzas will be a little floppy at first, but after a minute or two (once the cheese sets) they are easy enough to eat as finger food.

I've not worked it out yet. watch this space! :D

Sunday, 23 March 2014

No bake Keto cheesecake

I decided to whip up some keto cheesecake kind of stuff.

Ground Almonds (about 50g)
1 egg
Sweetner to taste

line a muffin tin,  mix the almond, egg,  and sweetner then press into the muffin tin.
bake in the oven on around 180-200c for the time it takes to make the cheesecake (about 10-15mins - its not a fine science. you can't really go wrong)

Cream cheese 200g
Whipping Cream 200ml
Sweetner to taste
cocoa powder (approx 2 tableapoons)

mix all together with a hand whisk until stiff.
serve and decorate with almond biscuits.

What I would change:
As this is the first try at this without a recipe (just kindda made it up as i went along) It wasnt perfect. I think that next time i will completely skip the sweetner,  and instead of chocolate i will add either vanilla or lemon juice.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Bacon Caesar veg Salad

150g brocoli, 2 rasher bacon (cooked with breakfast), Caesar dressing to taste.

Ketogenic Breakfast

2x 90% pork Sausage, sauté 30g Spinach & 110g Mushrooms,  20g grated cheese.

I just kindda made this up as I went along.  Tasted great!